Early Symptoms of Breast Cancer among Postmenopausal Women In El –Minia Oncology Center

Document Type : Original articles


1 B.Sc. in Nursing, Minia University, Egypt

2 Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Minia University, Egypt

3 Assistant Professor of Woman Health and Obstetrics Nursing, Faculty of Nursing. Minia University, Egypt

4 Lecturer of Woman Health and Obstetrics Nursing, Faculty of Nursing. Minia University, Egypt


Background: The most significant risk factor for breast cancer is age. As the women get older, the chances of getting the disease rise. Every year, ninety-five percent of women with breast cancer are over forty, and half of them are sixty one years of age or older. Aim: was to assess the early symptoms of breast cancer among postmenopausal women In El –Minia Oncology Center. Design: Retrospective descriptive research design was used. Setting: Oncology Institute in Minia City. Sample: Representative sample of 320 cases was included. Tools: Two tools were utilized, Tool I consisted of three parts, sociodemographic data, obstetric history and breast cancer risk factors. Tool II consisted of three parts about early symptoms recognized by the woman, patient’s reported response to early symptoms and causes of delaying in diagnosis as well as treatment of breast cancer Results: Demonstrates that the early reported symptoms of breast cancer that first recognized by the woman was breast lump (67.2%) then lump under armpit was (13.4%) while the lowest rates were shown in bruising of breast and sore/ulceration in breast that does not heal at (0.4%), the most mutual risk factors among participants was age over 50 years at 80.6%. Conclusion: more than two third of the participants reported that the first recognized symptom was breast lump then lump under armpit and the majority mutual risk factors were age, family history of cancers and smoking. Recommendation: Provide instruction to women over 40 years through educational program on the significance of regular and annual screening tests for early breast cancer detection.
