Factors Affecting on Nursing Shortage and its Relation to Organizational Commitment at Matai General Central Hospital

Document Type : Original articles


1 B. Sc in Nursing, Minia University

2 Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing –Minia University

3 Assistant prof. of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing –Minia University

4 Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing –Minia University


Background: Nurses are the most important resources of healthcare organizations. The sustained profitability of an organization depends on its workforce, job satisfaction and organizational commitment; as well the employees’ job satisfaction enhances their motivation, performance, reduces absenteeism, turnover and nursing shortage. Aim of the study to assess factors affecting on nursing shortage and its relation to organizational commitment at Matai General Central Hospital. Research design: A descriptive correlational research design was used to achieve the aim of the present study. Setting: The study was conducted at Matai General Central Hospital. Subjects: All staff nurses were included in this study with number 141 nurses (19 head nurse and 122 staff nurse). Tools of data collection: Tool (I): Factors affecting Nursing Shortage scale contained two parts Part I: Personal Data. Part II: Factors Affecting Nursing Shortage Scale. Tool (II): Organizational Commitment Scale. Results: The main findings of the study revealed that, (61%) of staff nurses have moderate level regarding total factors effect nursing shortage, followed by (39%) of them have high level of total factors effect nursing shortage, in addition to the total organizational commitment (48.9%) of staff nurses have moderate level, followed by (47.6%) of them have high level of organizational commitment. Conclusion: The study findings concluded that there was a positive correlation between factors affecting on nursing shortage and organizational commitment. Recommendations: Nursing director, Human Resource Personnel and Chief Executive Officer’s of the hospital should develop various strategies to increase organizational commitment of nurses
