Caregivers' Awareness Regarding Oral Health Care among Autistic Spectrum children

Document Type : Original articles


1 Demonstrator of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing- Minia University

2 Professor of Community Health Nursing- Faculty of Nursing –Minia University

3 Lecturer of Pediatric and Community Dentistry- Faculty of Dentistry- Minia University

4 Lecturer of Community Health Nursing- Faculty of Nursing –Minia University


Background: Children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder are more likely to have poorer oral health and have trouble getting dental care. The aim of the study: To assess caregivers' awareness regarding oral health care among autistic spectrum children. Design: A descriptive design was utilized in the current study. Setting: Minia Hospital for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment in New Minia City. Sample: A purposive sample of 100 caregivers (parents or any first-degree relatives). Data collection tools: Tool I: A structured interview questionnaire that consisted of three parts: part (1) Socio-demographic characteristics of caregivers; part (2) Socio-demographic characteristics of autistic children, part (3) Knowledge of the caregivers regarding oral health care. Tool II: Attitude of the caregivers toward oral health care. Tool III: Practice of caregivers regarding oral health of their autistic children. Results: 50% of the studied sample had poor knowledge, 68% of them had negative attitude, and 65% of them had poor practice toward oral health care of autistic spectrum children. Conclusions: This study revealed that half of the sample had a poor knowledge level, more than two-thirds had a negative attitude, and about two-thirds had a poor practice level toward oral health care among the studied sample. Recommendations: conduction of an educational program to improve knowledge, attitude, and practice of caregivers\parents regarding oral health care of their autistic children.


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