Impact of Strengthening Resilience Training Program on Parents and Communication Skills of their Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Document Type : Original articles


1 Master degree in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Minia, University, Egypt

2 Professor of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University, Egypt

3 Assistant professor of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Minia University, Egypt


Background: Families residing with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) face numerous difficulties, influence not only the child with ASD and their enhancement, but also quality of life and family functioning. A resilience training program for parents of autistic children has been known as a priority interference for this group that aims to improve or facilitate parental resilience and influence positive developmental outcomes for their children in communication and socialization. Aim: Evaluate the impact of strengthening resilience training program on parents and communication skills of their autistic children. Research design: the aim of this study was achieved through utilizing a quasi-experimental research design. Sample included fifty parents of children with ASD. Setting, this research was applied at the Outpatient Clinic for Children and Adolescents of the Minia Hospital for Psychiatric Health and Addiction Treatment. Tools: the data collection process involved the utilization of three tools; child's and parents’ demographic data, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale and the Children's Communication Checklist -second edition. Results: the study findings revealed that mean score of total resilience and the total score of children's communication increased post implementing the training program and at follow up. Conclusion: Based in the study findings we can concluded that the resilience training program strengthens parents' resilience and improves the communication skills of their autistic children. Recommendations: Continuous health education and counseling programs should be applied for parents related the care of their children with autism.


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