Servant Leadership and its’ Role on Staff Nurses’ career aspiration at kidney and urology Minia University Hospital

Document Type : Original articles


1 Bcs degree in nursing

2 Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing- Minia University, Egypt

3 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing - Minia University, Egypt


Background: In a healthcare organization, servant leadership can fulfill nurses’ needs effectually through prioritizing their career aspiration and development in their workplace. Aim: To investigate the relationship between servant leadership and its’ role on staff nurses’ career aspiration. Research design: A descriptive correlational study design was used. Setting: The study conducted at Kidney and Urology Minia University Hospital, Minia, Egypt. Subjects: Convenience sample which includes nurses who work at Kidney and Urology Minia University Hospital, their total number were 231 nurses. Tools of data collection: two tools were used; Servant Leadership Assessment Instrument; and career aspiration Scale. Results: nurses’ total levels of servant leadership, and career aspiration were higher. Conclusion: There was a highly statistically significant positive correlation between servant leadership and its’ role on staff nurses’ career aspiration. Recommendations: It was recommended to establish a work environment that supports the benefits of servant leadership and its impact on career aspiration.


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