Awareness and Perception Toward Human Papilloma Virus and Its' Vaccine Among Selected Medical and Non-Medical Students at Minia University

Document Type : Original articles


1 Demonstrator of Woman Health and Obstetric Nursing- Faculty of Nursing –Minia University

2 Assistant Professor of Woman Health and Obstetric Nursing- Faculty of Nursing –Minia University


Background: One of the most prevalent sexually transmitted diseases in the world is the human papillomavirus (HPV). It may occur without any symptoms. The HPV vaccine is the most effective preventive measure for cancers associated with HPV. Aim: Assess the awareness and perception toward human papillomavirus and its' vaccine among selected medical and non-medical students at Minia University. Design: A descriptive cross-sectional design. Setting: This study was carried out at the faculties of: Pharmacy, Nursing, Early Childhood Education, Tourism and Hotels, Dar-olom, and Alsun at Minia University. Sample: A random sample of 372 undergraduate female students was used. Tool: Data was gathered using two tools: Tool I: A structured self-administered questionnaire that consisted of three parts: Demographic data of the students, knowledge, and attitude of the students towards the HPV and its vaccine. Tool II: Perception of the students towards the HPV and its vaccine by using the Health Belief Model. Results: The study showed that 52.6% of the medical students had moderate knowledge, 60.5% of them had a positive attitude, and 61.4% of them had moderate perception, compared to 63.6% of the non-medical students who had poor knowledge, 64.3% of them had a negative attitude, and 60.1% had a low perception towards the HPV infection and its vaccine. Conclusion: This study revealed that medical students have more awareness and perception toward the HPV and its vaccine than non-medical students. Recommendations: Conduct an educational program for all university students to raise the awareness and perception towards HPV and its vaccine.


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