Impact of the Teaching Program on Cardiac disease women’s Awareness and their pregnancy outcomes

Document Type : Original articles


1 Assistant lecturer of Women Health & obstetric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing – Minia University, Egypt

2 Professor of Women Health & obstetrc Nursing, Faculty of Nursing – Minia University, Egypt

3 Professor of obstetrics and Gynecological, Faculty of medicine –Minia University, Egypt

4 Assistant Professor of WomenHealth & obstetric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing – Minia University, Egypt


Background: High rates of maternal and neonatal illness and mortality are reported due to cardiac disease during pregnancy. Proper care and teaching plays a crucial role in preventing these problems and enhance outcomes. Aim of the study: evaluate the Impact of Teaching Program on Cardiac disease women’s Awareness and their pregnancy outcomes. Research Design: quasi-experimental research design. Setting: Conducted at the antenatal inpatient department and antenatal outpatient clinics on Maternity and Child Minia University Hospital. Sample: A purposive sample composed of (30 pregnant women in case group and 30 in control group) was used in this research. Tool of data collection: four tools were used: Tool (I), the Structured Interview Questionnaire Sheet Tool (II) the Self-reported practice checklist; Tool (III) Self-reported Attitude on cardiac disease; and Tool (IV) pregnancy outcomes. Results: This study' main findings revealed that 100% of the studied women had an unsatisfactory knowledge regarding cardiac disease, 100 % of them had an unsatisfactory level of practice and26.7% of study group had positive attitude, in the pretest, While after application of the teaching program, it was observed that there was a highly significant improvement in their knowledge, practice and Attitude regarding cardiac disease, compared to pretest (p <0.001).  In addition  statistically significant improvements in pregnancy outcomes among the study group after applying teaching program  compared to the control group (p <0.001). Conclusion: Implementation of teaching program were effective and significantly improved pregnant women' awareness and pregnancy outcomes  regarding cardiac disease Recommendation: Continue the educational program and Special Standardized Booklet  provided for pregnant women about cardiac disease and it's management to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity.


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