Relation between Cultural Intelligence, Conflict Resolution and Resilience at work among Internship Nursing Students

Document Type : Original articles


1 Master Degree in Nursing Administration-faculty of nursing –Minia university –Egypt

2 Professor of Nursing Administration ,Faculty of Nursing- Minia University-Egypt

3 Assistant professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing- Minia University-Egypt


Background: The rapid pace of globalization exposing both individuals and organizations to conditions of cultural heterogeneity in which they must function effectively when exposed to conflicts that may affect their resilience at work. Aim of the study: The present study aims to assess Cultural Intelligence, Conflict Resolution and Resilience at work among Internship Nursing Students Research design: The study was conducted using descriptive study design. Sample: The study subject involved 60 internship nursing student from Faculty of Nursing, Minia University. Tools: Tool (I): Self-Administered Questionnaire that involved two parts 1st part: Socio-demographic data, 2nd part: Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS), Tool (II): The Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory–II and Tool (III): Resilience at Work Scale (RAW-S). Results: The current study revealed that the majority (93.3%) of internship nursing students had moderate level regarding total culture intelligence. Results also, revealed that the dominant conflict resolution styles by students are collaborating followed by avoiding style. All internship nursing students (100%) had moderate level of resilience at work Conclusions: assessment of a cultural intelligence, conflict resolution styles and knowledge as well as resilience at work is important and had a significant impact on internship nursing students. Recommendations: Develop and incorporate cultural intelligence training modules, conflict resolution and resilience into the nursing curriculum, Develop assessment tools to evaluate students’ cultural intelligence, conflict resolution skills, and resilience.


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