Relation between Head Nurses Leadership Skills and Styles and Staff Nurses Teamwork Behaviors

Document Type : Original articles


1 B.Sc. Nursing

2 Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing - Minia University

3 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing –Minia University


Background: The quality of relationship between supervisors and subordinates as well as leadership of head nurses playing an important role in their subordinates such as teamwork behaviors, job performance and promotions. The study aimed to investigate relation between head nurses' leadership skills and styles and staff nurses' teamwork behaviors. Research design: A descriptive correlation research design. Setting:  The study was applied at the Edfu General Hospital. Sample: All staff nurses who worked in previous hospital during the period of data collection (no.= 458). Tools of data collection: Three tools were used, 1st tool was leadership skills questionnaire, 2nd tool was administrative styles questionnaire, and the 3rd tool was two parts as the first part was demographic data sheet about staff nurses and second part was teamwork behaviors questionnaire. Results: reveals that nurses staff’s perception about total skills of the leader that their (69.7%) of the leader have moderate level of total skills, also highest mean of the leadership style is team administration then paternalism/ materialism administration, and (72.5%) of nurses have fair level of team work behaviors.  Conclusion: There were positive relation between leadership skills, their leadership styles and nurses' teamwork behavior except authority-obedience administration. Recommendations: Encourage nurses and nurses' managers to receive training programs about team building and team dynamics to enhance their abilities in handling team conflicts and create an atmosphere of coordination, collaboration and team spirit.


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