Assessment of Nursing Informatics Competency and characteristics of Workplace's Creativity at Magdi Yacoub Heart Foundation- Aswan

Document Type : Original articles


1 B.Sc. Nursing

2 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing - Minia University.

3 Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing –Minia University.


Background: Nursing informatics is an important quality resource for patient care, which promotes, enhances, and increases the organization's growth and influences the innovativeness level of the individuals. The study aimed to assess nursing informatics competency and characteristics of workplace's creativity at Magdi Yacoub Heart Foundation- Aswan. Research design: A Descriptive correlational Research Design. Sample: convenience sample consisted of 255 nurses. Setting: The study was conducted at Aswan heart center (Magdi Yacoub heart foundation) in Aswan City. Tools of data collection: three tools were used, 1st tool consisted of Personal as well as occupational Data , 2nd  tool Assessment of Nursing Informatics Competence Questionnaire, and 3rd tool  Creativity at Workplace Scale Results: reveals that (89.9%) of nurse’s have capability to informatics competence, also (10.2 %) of them have the partial capability to informatics competence, also (83.2%) of nurse’s have high creativity at workplace, as well as only (3.9%) of them have low creativity at workplace  Conclusion: There was positive correlation between nursing informatics competence and  creativity at workplace. Recommendations: Conducts competency based nursing informatics training programs for nursing personnel according to their needs and to be up to date with new competencies


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