Assessment of toxic leadership style and its’ relation to compassion fatigue among Nursing Staff at liver Minia University Hospital

Document Type : Original articles


1 B.Sc. Nursing, Faculty of Nursing-Minia University, Egypt

2 Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing-Minia University, Egypt.

3 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing-Minia University, Egypt.

4 Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing-Minia University, Egypt


Background: Toxic leadership is ineffective behavior that reflects leadership's negative/dark side and can negatively affect not only the nurses but also the whole hospital. Toxic leadership behaviors have a negative impact that results in compassion fatigue among nurses. Aim of the study was to assess toxic leadership style and its’ relation to compassion fatigue among nursing staff at liver Minia University Hospital. Research design: A descriptive correlational research design was utilized. Subjects: Convenience sample, which includes all nurses who are working at liver Minia University Hospital (no. = 221 nurses). Setting: The study was conducted at liver Minia University Hospital, Minia, Egypt. Data collection: two tools included as follows: "Toxic leadership scale", and "Compassion fatigue Scale ". Results: showed that the nearly half (46.7%) of the nursing staff had a high level of toxic leadership, and more than half (55.6%) of the nursing staff had a moderate level of compassion fatigue. Conclusion: There was a positive correlation between toxic leadership style and compassion fatigue among nursing staff at Liver Minia University Hospital with a P value < 0.0001. Recommendation: Apply a continuous, regular, adequate, and constructive evaluation of leaders and their leadership style by hospital administration.


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