Impact Of Post -Operative Rehabilitation Nursing Protocol On Physical Functioning Among Patients With Hip Fracture Surgery

Document Type : Original articles


1 Assistant lecture, Medical-Surgical Nursing, Adult Nursing Specialty, Faculty of Nursing - Minia University, Minia, Egypt

2 Professor in Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Minia University, Minia, Egypt

3 Professor in Orthopedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine - Minia University, Minia, Egypt

4 Assistant Professor in Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Minia University, Minia, Egypt


Background: Improving physical functioning and mobility outcomes after hip fracture through  strategies include hip fracture and muscle strength exercises, hip fracture: is one the most frequent fracture presenting in the  trauma emergency  orthopedic departments and term hip fracture  or head of femur fracture are used synonymously.. Aim: Evaluate the effect of exerciseson Physical functioning among patients with hip Fracture surgery. Sample: A purposive sample of 60 patients of both sex who are post-operative hip fracture surgery. Tools: Four tools were used; First Tool: patient interview structured questionnaire,. Second Tool: self-care practice of patient with hip fracture Checklist (HFAC), Third tool: cumulated ambulation scale (CAS). Fourth tool: Oxford muscle strengthscale. Results: there are a statistical significant differences P ≤ 0.01) (between the study and control group regarding all items of self-care practices after implementing the exercise program The intervention group , improves ambulation score due to strengthening the muscles through exercises. compared to the control group.  Conclusion: Nursing intervention like exercises performance, improve the physical functioning of hip fractured patient after surgery. Recommendation: Designing standardized nursing rehabilitation protocol regarding hip fracture in the post-operative to upgrade nurses' knowledge and practice, and further research studies are needed on larger study samples.


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