Effect of Yakson Touch and Oral Glucose on Pain Intensity among Preterm Neonates during Heel Lancing

Document Type : Original articles


1 M.Sc. N, Faculty of Nursing, Minia University

2 Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Minia University

3 Professor of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Minia University

4 Assistant Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Minia University


Background: Preterm infants spend the early days of their lives in neonatal intensive care units, where they undergo many essential painful procedures. Due to the harmful effects of pain on neonates, non-pharmacological methods aid in pain-controlling high-risk neonates. Aim of the study: The aim of the current study is to evaluate the effect of Yakson touch and oral glucose on pain intensity among preterm neonates during heel lancing. Research design: A quasi-experimental research design was utilized to achieve the aim of this study. Sample: A purposive sample of 120 preterm neonates divided equally (40 preterm neonates) into three groups (Yakson touch, oral glucose, and control groups). Tools: Three tools were used to test research hypotheses. Tool I: A structured interviewing questionnaire that includes part I: Bio-demographic characteristics of preterm neonates'; part II: Baseline vital signs and oxygen saturation parameters. Tool II: Neonatal infant pain scale and Tool III: Premature infant pain profile Result: The mean gestational age for Yakson respectively, case and control groups were 34.5±1.4, 33.7±1.6, 34.1±1.8 weeks respectively, more than half of studied preterm neonates were admitted to neonatal intensive care unit with respiratory distress with no statistically significant difference among three groups. Markedly decreased total mean scores of neonatal infant pain scale and premature infant pain profile in Yakson touch and oral glucose groups than in the control group during heel lancing. Conclusion: Yakson touch and oral glucose 25% is effective in pain reduction of preterm neonates during heel lancing. Recommendation: Provide booklets and compact discs about the Yakson touch technique and oral glucose to help its applicability by neonatal nurses.


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