The Association between Collaboration, Team - Effectiveness and Work Readiness among Nurses

Document Type : Original articles


1 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing. Minia University, Egypt

2 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing. Cairo University, Egypt

3 Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing. Cairo University, Egypt


Background: In today's organizations, improved collaboration fosters a more productive environment and cultivates a welcoming, positive work culture, which helps retain high-potential employees over time. Aim:  to explore the association between collaboration, team - effectiveness and work readiness among nurses at selected hospitals. Design: The current study employed a descriptive-correlational research design to achieve its objectives. Setting: the current study conducted at three hospitals as the following: Minia University emergency hospital, Minia University kidney and urology Hospital, and Misr El-Huraa hospital. Sample: A convenience sample of all available staff nurses (n=692). Tools: First tool: Nurse- Nurse Collaboration, Second tool - Team-Effectiveness questionnaire and Third tool: work- readiness questionnaire. Results:  in relation to nurses- nurses collaboration it was found that the highest mean score was for Common goals dimension and around two third of nurses have high level of nurses to nurse collaboration. In addition to team – effectiveness it was found that highest mean score was for skills and learning dimension and two third of nurses have high level of team – effectiveness. For work- readiness result revealed that the highest mean score of nurse’s work- readiness was for work competence dimension and more than two third of nurses have high work- readiness level. Conclusion: there was appositive correlation between nurses-nurses collaboration, team effectiveness and work readiness. Recommendation: Hospital managers should create educational programs aimed at providing innovative opportunities for nurses to learn about intra-professional collaboration.


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