Polarity Management Educational Training Program and Its Effect on Head Nurses' Leveraging Health Care Polarities and Guiding Hospitals' Transformation

Document Type : Original articles


1 Assistant lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Minia University

2 Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Minia University

3 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Minia University


Background: Hospitals are complex systems that provide an ideal environment for polarities to arise. If these polarities are treated as problems to be solved, they will continue to exist in the long run. However, if these polarities are properly harnessed, they can create a prosperous future and fulfill the larger goal of transforming hospitals. Aim of the study: Is to assess polarity management educational training program and its effect on head nurses' leveraging health care polarities and guiding hospitals' transformation. Research design: A quasi- experimental research design was utilized in this research. Sample: The study sample involved all head nurses worked in clinical areas.  Setting: Minia University Hospitals. Tools of data collection: Included three tools; Tool (I): Self-administered questionnaire which has two parts; Part I: Personal data sheet, part II: Head nurses' knowledge about polarity management questionnaire; Tool (II): Leveraging of health care polarities scale and Tool (III): Polarity management: a way for hospitals transformation scale. Results: There were highly statistically significant relations between the mean score of head nurses' knowledge, leveraging of healthcare polarities, acceptance of polarity management throughout the study phases pre, and after 6 months of follow up implementation, There were statistically significant differences and positive correlation between head nurses' knowledge about polarity management and their leveraging of health care polarities in pre-educational training program while there was no statistically significant differences after 6 months of follow up implementation. Conclusion: Knowledge about polarity management leads to better leveraging of that polarities and guiding hospitals' transformation. Recommendation: Intensify workshops to nursing staff at all levels and hospitals managers about polarity management to achieve hospitals transformation.


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