Pregnant Women’s Performance toward the COVID-19 Pandemic in El-Minia City

Document Type : Original articles


1 B.Sc. in Nursing, Minia University, Egypt

2 Professor of Woman Health and Obstetrics Nursing, Faculty of Nursing. Minia University, Egypt

3 Assistant Professor of Woman Health and Obstetrics Nursing, Faculty of Nursing. Minia University, Egypt


Background:  Pregnancy-related changes in physiology, mechanics, and immunology may have an impact on the susceptibility to as well as severity of COVID-19. Moreover to the direct effect of COVID-19 on outcomes of the pregnancy, so the research aimed to assess pregnant women’s performance toward COVID-19 pandemic. Design: Descriptive cross sectional. Sample: A convenience sample was utilized to select women in reproductive age (150 women). Setting: This research was carried out at outpatient clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Dermawas Central Hospital. Data collection tools: Three tools were utilize in the current research, Tool (I) composed of three parts, sociodemographic data, obstetric history knowledge related to COVID-19 and it composed of 43 questions, Tool (II) was attitude and it consisted 20 Likert scale questions, and Tool (III) was pregnant women’s precaution practices toward the COVID-19 and it consisted 13 Likert scale questions. Results: the findings revealed that 62.0% of the participants had poor knowledge, 66.7% of them had a positive attitude, and 73.3% of them had satisfactory practices; there were a positive correlation between the total knowledge, and attitude as well as precautions practices of the participant pregnant women with statistically significant differences.  Conclusion: The knowledge, attitude, as well as practice (KAP) survey offer a suitable framework for assessing current initiatives as well as knowing successful social behavior change strategies. Recommendations: Conducting a study on another geographical area and apply an educational program to know the impact of it on pregnant women KAP toward COVID-19
