Correlation between nursing practices regarding blood transfusion and its adverse reactions among patients at medical department

Document Type : Original articles


1 Assistant Lecturer in Medical Surgical Nursing (Adult Nursing), Faculty of Nursing-Minia University.

2 Prof. dr. of Medical Surgical Nursing ,Faculty of Nursing - Alexandria University

3 Assistant prof. of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing – Minia University.


Background: Blood transfusion is considered one of the most effective therapeutic alternatives in the treatment of certain conditions, although it is lifesaving, there is a risk for the patient to develop transfusion-related adverse reactions. Nursing professionals have a central role in the transfusion process. The aim of the study: is to assess correlation between nursing practices regarding blood transfusion among patients at medical department and its adverse reactions. Research design descriptive correlation research design was utilized in the current study. Subjects A convenience sampling of (39) adult patients who were going to receive blood transfusion were included in the current study. Setting: This study was carried out in medical department at Minia university hospital. Tools of data collection: Two tools were used in this study: 1-Patient's assessment sheet 2- immediate reactions of blood transfusion assessment sheet. Results: illustrated that there were a markedly decline in the total nursing practices regarding three phases of blood transfusion (pre, administration  and end) for studied sample as the Mean ± SD was 11.7 ± 0.9 Conclusion: there was a negative correlation (-0.080) between the studied sample’ immediate blood transfusion adverse reactions and level of blood transfusion practices score. Recommendations: Based on the research findings the researcher recommended that in-service training programs based on evidence practice and regular inter- professional meeting that illustrate purposes and guideline procedure of safe blood transfusion administration to nursing staff that have positive effects on patient's safety outcomes should be provided.


Eman AbdelRazik, 1 Kawther Gaber Muhamed 2, Inshrah Roshdy Mohammed 3.


  1. Assistant Lecturer in Medical Surgical Nursing (Adult Nursing), Faculty of Nursing-Minia University.
  2. Prof. dr. of Medical Surgical Nursing ,Faculty of Nursing - Alexandria University
  3. Assistant prof. of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing – Minia University.

*Email of the corresponding author:




Blood transfusion considered  one of the most effective therapeutic alternatives in the treatment of certain conditions as surgery, trauma severe anemia , acute blood loss  and in the replacement of blood components that are essential for maintenance of life  (Cherem et al., 2017). It  is defined as the process by which the blood of one person is injected into another one’s circulation for medical purposes (IslamiVaghar, 2018). Although blood transfusion is a common medical procedure that is often lifesaving, there is a risk for the patient to develop transfusion-related adverse reactions (Miao, 2019).

Transfusion reactions can occur during the transfusion (acute transfusion reactions) or days to weeks later (delayed transfusion reactions) (Khoyumthem et al., 2018).Acute transfusion reactions (ATR)  are those occurring within 24 hours of the administration of blood or blood components ,they occur in about 0.5%–3% of transfusions and include the following; Acute hemolytic reactions(AHTRs), Febrile non-hemolytic reactions (FNHTRs), Allergic and anaphylactic reactions, septic (bacterial contamination), Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI), Transfusion-Associated Circulatory Overload (TACO)(Castillo et al., 2018). Any reaction beyond 24 hours of transfusion is termed a delayed transfusion reaction (Tinegate et al., 2012; Hillis et al., 2016).

Nursing professionals have a central role in the transfusion process, when performing a blood transfusion nurses must pay attention to 4 basic elements: appropriate blood, correct patient, proper procedure and right timing of transfusion these requires specific knowledge and skills to ensure the safety and efficiency of this procedure. Errors in practice may therefore lead to severe and sometimes life-threatening consequences to the patients (da Sila et al., 2016; Kavaklioglu et al., 2017). According to statistics the majority of mistakes related to blood transfusion occurring in hospitals, include neglect in observation of recipients during transfusion, patient misidentification and transfusion of wrong blood units, these errors are associated with inadequate training and lack of experience (Shamshirian et al., 2017)


Significance of the Study

According to world Health Organization (WHO, 2016) and  Global Database on Blood Safety (GDBS) more than (67,000) hospitals performing  blood transfusions serving globally, (Gu et al., 2015)). Flood and Higbie, (2016) stated that (WHO) reported that over nine million patients in ( 90) different countries receive blood in a year (Gu et al., 2015) . According to Serious Hazards of Transfusion program (SHOT, 2016) about (62.6%) of all reported adverse reactions were related to unsafe practice by individual staff members (SHOT, 2016).Through the researcher' clinical opinion during students training period  at medical department many patients who received blood transfusion were exposed to many complications, the researcher revised that there was no previous studies was done in this location about this point of research.


Aim of the Study:

Assess correlation between nursing practices regarding blood transfusion among patients at medical department and its adverse reactions.


Research question: 

What is the relation between nursing practices regarding blood transfusion among patients at medical department and its adverse reactions?


Subjects and Methods

Study design:-

     Descriptive correlation study design was utilized to fulfill the purpose of this study.



 The current study was carried out in medical department at Minia university hospital,



   A convenience sampling of (39) adult patient who were going to receive blood transfusion during the study period and were meet the inclusion criteria in medical department was assigned in this study sample size that  was calculated by Slovin’S formula (Slovin, 1960)which is computed as n = N / (1+Ne2); whereas:

n = sample size                                   N = total population

e = desired margin of error                  n= 43 / [1+ (43) (0.05)2 = 39 patients


Inclusion criteria:

  1.  Patient's age from 18 to 65 years.
  2. Conscious patient.


Exclusion criteria: Patients with previous history of blood transfusion adverse reactions.


Data Collection Tools

Two tools were used in this study that were developed and collected by the researcher after revising extensive relevant literature review as (Dougherty et al., 2015; Rutala et al., 2015; BoltonMaggs, 2017)and also reviewed by a panel of five experts, three in the field of Medical Surgical Nursing Faculty of Nursing Assuit  University, one in the field of Medical Surgical Nursing Faculty of Nursing Ain Shams  University and one in the field of Community Nursing Faculty of Nursing at Minia University for validity testing. These tools were as following:-



Tool I: Patient's assessment sheet: that was contain two parts

Part 1: Personal data, to collect patient personal data through individually interview related to the following: age, gender and educational level.

Part 2: Patient's clinical profile: to assess patient’s medical data though patient’s medical file and individually interview and it was consisted of six itemssuch as (history of previous blood transfusion, patient's medical diagnosis, chief complaint for blood transfusion)

Tool II: immediate reactions of blood transfusion assessment sheet: it was filled through patients ‘subjective and objective data and was consisted of signs, symptoms of immediate transfusion reactions which might be occur for patient within (24) hours from transfusion, It was ranked as present or not present of the following signs and symptoms as (fever, flushing, headache and dyspnea, …………… etc.)



Content validity was done to identify the degree to which the used tools measure what was supposed to be measured. The developed tools were examined by a panel of five experts opinion in the field of the study {one from Minia University faculty of nursing (Community Nursing Department), three from Assuit University faculty of nursing (Medical –surgical Nursing Department), and one from Ain-Shams University faculty of nursing (Medical –surgical Nursing Department). All jury members (100%) agreed that current study tools were valid and relevant with the aim of the study. 



Reliability was ascertained statistically by using Alpha Cronbach's test to ensure that the study tools were reliable and the results of patient’s assessment sheet was (0.92) and immediate reactions from blood transfusion assessment sheet was (0.77)


Ethical Consideration

A written approval obtained from the ethical and research committee of the faculty of Nursing, Minia University, Agreement from Egypt Academic for Research Center and Technology. And Hospital, Oral consent obtained from each participant after explaining the nature & objectives of the study to gain their cooperation, each assessment sheet was coded and subjects' names were not appeared on the sheets for the purpose of anonymity and confidentiality. Subjects were free to withdraw from the study at any time.


Study procedure

The current study was conducted by preparing of different data collection tools, in addition to obtaining formal paper agreement from study setting. Collection of study data was done through daily basis (2 days / week) during evening shift. Within average (2-3 patients through day).

The data collection was assessed by researcher from studied sample who received a routine hospital care during blood transfusion administration by their nursing staff in about three months by using tool I and tool II.

The researcher  trained the internship nursing students who had shift in  the same study setting as co- researcher  to use tool II (immediate reactions from blood transfusion assessment  sheet)  to follow up   the studied sample for signs and symptoms of   blood transfusion adverse reactions during the time when the researcher didn’t attain with the patients.


Pilot study

A pilot study was carried out on 10% (n = 4)   of the total sample to test the clarity of tools and estimate the time required for fulfilling it. Based on results of the pilot study no modifications or refinements were done and the subjects included to the actual sample.


Statistical analysis of data

Data were summarized, tabulated, and presented using descriptive statistics in the form of means and standard deviations as a measure of dispersion. A statistical package for the social science (SPSS), IBM (24) was used for statistical analysis of the data, as it contains the test of significance given in standard statistical books. Qualitative data were expressed as percentage. For quantitative data, Probability (P-value) is the degree of significance, less than 0.05 was considered significant. The smaller the P-value obtained, the more significant is the result (*), less than 0.001 was considered highly significant (**) .Graphs were done for data visualization using Microsoft Excel





Table (1):Distribution of the studied sample according to personal data and clinical profile(n = 39).


          Personal data                                                                 

Studied sample  (n = 39)



Age / years



18-  33 years



33 – 48 years



48 – 65 years



Mean ± SD

49.3 ± 10.5










Educational level






Read and write 



Primary school



Secondary school






History of previous blood transfusion







Medical diagnosis






Liver cirrhosis



Chief complain






Low hemoglobin



Active bleeding and low HB




Table (1): Showed that the mean age among studied sample was (49.3 ± 10.5). In respect to gender; the results revealed that the highest percentage were female .Related to educational level the majority of the current studied sample were illiterate while the minority were university.  Also the table illustrated that the majority of the same group had no history of previous blood transfusion that constituted (56.4%), concerning their medical diagnosis more than half of the studied sample (64.1%) had liver cirrhosis, moreover the table represented that the highest percentage constituted (38.5%) had bleeding, 



Figure (1): Mean average scoring and standard deviation for nursing practice regarding three phases of blood transfusion (pre, administration  and end ) for studied samples (n=39)


Figure (1): illustrated that there were a markedly decline in the total nursing practices regarding three phases of blood transfusion (pre, administration  and end) for studied sample as the Mean ± SD was 11.7 ± 0.9





Figure (2) Percentage distribution of the studied sample according to observation of immediate blood transfusion adverse reactions’ signs (n = 39)


Figure (2): Showed that the highest percentage of the studied sample had fever and the lowest percentage of the same group had flushing constituted (46.2%) (10.3%) respectively


Figure (3) Percentage distribution of the studied sample regarding to immediate blood transfusion adverse reactions’ symptoms (n = 39)


Figure (3): Represented that the highest percentage of symptoms among the studied sample was headache, mild dyspnea and chest pain constituted (48.70% & 25.6% & 25.6%) respectively.


Table (2): Correlations between Level of Blood Transfusion Practices Score and Immediate blood transfusion adverse reactions (n=39)



Level of Blood Transfusion Practices Score

Studied sample (n=39)



Immediate blood transfusion adverse reactions




Table (2): Highlighted that there was a negative correlation (-0.080) between the studied sample’ immediate blood transfusion adverse reactions and level of blood transfusion practices score.



The present study showed that the highest percentage of studied sample had an age between (48-65 years) with mean constituted (47.1 ± 12.6) this is related to participants of studied sample was had medical conditions that required blood transfusion such as (anemia and liver cirrhosis) this result was compatible with Karafin et al. (2017)who found that transfusion incidence when stratified by age occurred in the 60–69 year age group. Further validation by De Santo et al. (2017)whodocumented that  the highest  rate of blood  transfusion according to the decade of patients’ age was in patients aged (40 to 50 years) followed by  patients aged (50 to 60 years).

Concerning gender the present study demonstrated that the majority of the studied sample was female , this findings came in accordance withOkoroiwu et al. (2018)who reported  that the majority of the 2336 transfusion recipients studied were females also Sawadogo et al. (2018)found thatthe majority of patients who received blood transfusion were female constituted (59.5%) On the other hand  this result was in contrast with Gwaram et al. (2012) who reported that more than half of  transfused patients were males constituted    94 (52.2%) with the male: female ratio 1.1:1.

Regarding educational level the present study findings demonstrated that the highest percentage studied sample were illiterate  this  result was in consistent with Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics in Egypt (CAPMAS, 2018)which reported that Upper Egypt had the highest rates of illiteracy in 2017; al-Minya ranked  as firstly that was recording 37.2 percent, followed by 35.9 percent in Bani Suef, 34.6 percent in Assiut, 34 percent in Fayoum and 33.6 in Sohag.

Findings of the present study showed that more than two third of studied sample had no history of previous blood transfusion this result was supported by Elsayed et al. (2019) who documented that the majority of studied sample in their study constituted (63%) had no history of previous blood transfusion.

The current study results illustrated that there were a markedly decline in the total nursing practices regarding three phases of blood transfusion (pre, administration and end phase) by the studied sample this is related to lack of proper blood transfusion guidelines as well as inadequate continues in-service educational programs that provided for nurses to update their knowledge and practices about safe blood transfusion administration. These findings was in accordance with a study done by Ahmed (2019)who  reported that   total practices scores among study subjects of nurses had bad practices related to blood transfusion before implementing his  training module as the mean  was (7.07±6.769,  8.11±7.977 and 7.22±6.508, 8.11±7.847) among both groups in Egypt and Sudan.

In the same line  the present study result was supported by Lahlimi et al. (2015)whodisplayed thathighest  percentage of the participants nurses  (75% ) have inappropriate knowledge and practice with  all steps of blood transfusion. Finally this result was in agreement with Hijji et al. (2013) who found that only 13 nurses (5%) in their study  were aware of the routine activities  that they should perform after transfusion initiation until its end.

The present study results showed that the highest percentage of the studied sample suffered from blood transfusions’ signs as (fever, hypotension urticaria, and tachycardia) and also the same group complained  from the following blood transfusion’s symptoms like  (respiratory distress and pruritus),  fever may be related to that the patient’s body is reacted to white blood cells, plasma  or platelets in the donated blood while the other signs and symptoms  may be related to  improper nursing  practices regarding blood transfusion administration these results were compatible withHatayama et al. (2018)  who found that  the  most clinical manifestations  of blood transfusion reactions were urticaria and  pruritus that constituted (39.3% & 20.7%) respectively ,while they  reported  in the same study that the lowest percentage of signs and symptoms of blood transfusion reactions  were  hypotension 3.7%,, respiratory distress 2.5% and tachycardia 2.5% that didn’t  match with the current  study results,

In the same line with the present results  Chavan et al. (2017) who  found that most common signs  of blood transfusion reactions was  pruritus  that constituted 26.60%. Also the result was supported by Charkravaty–Vartak et al. (2016)who reported  that the  most common signs of acute blood transfusion reaction were fever and tachycardia that constituted (38% &18%,) respectively. Moreover  Negi et al. (2015) and   Kumar et al. (2013) mentioned  that the  Common presenting complaints of blood transfusion  in their study were  fever and hypotension  which constituted (54.2%  &29.62%) respectively. 

The current result highlighted that there was a negative correlation between the studied sample’ immediate blood transfusion adverse reactions and level of blood transfusion practices score this may be related to improper nursing staff practices of blood transfusion administration this study findings were corroborated with Elsayed et al. (2019)  who reported thatoccurrence of patient complications in study group  were  less than in control group during transfusion and first 24 hours of transfusion,



The current study findings concluded that there were a markedly decline in the total nursing practices regarding three phases of blood transfusion (pre, administration and end) for studied sample as the Mean ± SD was 11.7 ± also illustrated that there was a negative correlation (-0.080) between the studied sample’ immediate blood transfusion adverse reactions and level of blood transfusion practices score.



  Based on the findings of the present study, the researcher suggested that;

  1. In-service training programs based on evidence practice and regular inter- professional meeting that illustrate purposes and guideline procedure of safe blood transfusion administration to nursing staff that have positive effects on patient's safety outcomes should be provided.
  2. Establishing skills and competencies tools for continuous  assessment of  nursing knowledge and practices to improve the blood transfusion  administration
  3. Replication of the current study on a larger sample size and in other settings like blood banks and other hospital departments as (surgical, dialysis, Obstetric) to achieve generalizable results replicated..      



The researchers would like to acknowledge the contribution of all participants who kindly agreed to take part in the study. They generously gave their time and attention to conduct this study. This study would have been impossible without their generosity


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